Spotted Dick Steamed Sponge
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7 reviews for Spotted Dick Steamed Sponge

  1. Jayne McDonald

    Love it! Just like my mum used to make 😀

  2. Mrs P Middlemiss

    For me the gluten and dairy free spotted dick puddings are really good standby meals in themselves but I feel the basic sponge needs a touch extra flavouring that isn’t sweet eg cinnamon ?

  3. Elizabeth McGuirk

    Georgie Porgie’s puddings have to be tasted to experience how good they are. I couldn’t make them as good and in addition to the Spotted Dick pudding we love the sticky toffee pudding, lemon curd, in fact all of the ones we have tasted. They store, and keep, well and very prompt delivery.
    Also great to have in for unexpected guests.

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