18 Extra Portion Round Sponges
Free DeliveryBest SellerHighly RatedVegetarian

Shelf life 5 weeks+ (ambient), also home freeze for 6 months! Pick a delivery date at the checkout up to a year in advance!

Choose 18 of your family favourites.

Lemon Curd Steamed Sponge - 142g Round
Chocolate Steamed Sponge - 142g Round
Spotted Dick Steamed Sponge - 142g Round
Sticky Toffee Steamed Sponge - 142g Round
Honey & Ginger Steamed Sponge - 142g Round
Mince Pie Steamed Sponge - 142g Round
Strawberry Jam Steamed Sponge - 142g Round
Treacle Steamed Sponge - 142g Round
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24 reviews for 18 Extra Portion Round Sponges

  1. Terry

    Puddings met all expectations. Will be reordering.
    Pity XXL isn’t available.

  2. Phil

    Perfect way to prepare for winter. Just stocked up with 18 mixed round sponges, including ‘mince pie’ for Christmas. They might not last till then, the way I’m going. Forty seconds for the pud and 30 for the custard. Job done!

  3. Richard Roller

    Stumbled upon the company and products while searching for a decent and unusual gift .
    Bought a large selection in its attractive packaging which I took to the South of France as an unusual British present- not affected by the extreme hot weather-which was an important consideration and with a decent shelf life, for our French friends. — A huge success for our friends one who has a sweet tooth. They loved the selection , the ease of service and with ice cream as a desert after cheese, it echoes my own thoughts that these individual puddings are a great simple desert.
    Even sharing one between two people just provides the right portion when finishing dinner with that all important ‘sweet’ with which to finish dinner.
    In the UK we habitually have desert before cheese– not the best way in my view. Ask yourself why is it that always after dinner if having coffee, most restaurants serve a small sweet accompaniment or chocolate?– same as the reason the French in particular always serve cheese before desert. It finishes and rounds off the meal.
    A great product range with typically British puddings that are not common outside the UK . An unusual and very acceptable present for folks this Christmas-particularly as one can select and mix the range. Service was prompt and as ordered and as a gift for overseas, no issues in airport security or spoiling due to postal delays .

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