12 Perfect Portion Square Sponges
Best SellerHighly RatedVegetarian

Shelf life 5 weeks+ (ambient), also home freeze for 6 months! Pick a delivery date at the checkout up to a year in advance!


Choose 12 of your family favourites.

Lemon Curd Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Chocolate Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Spotted Dick Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Sticky Toffee Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Honey & Ginger Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Mince Pie Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Strawberry Jam Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Treacle Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
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258 reviews for 12 Perfect Portion Square Sponges

  1. Juliana Glanfield

    My favourite is the spotted dick pudding , a little bit of sugar sprinkled on the top is traditional , just delicious . A perfect sized pudding , east to cook in the microwave and an anytime pudding .

  2. Sally McCornack

    I think they are perfect sizes and they taste amazing. So glad that I found you and will be using you again XX

  3. Melanie Raspin

    These puds are just perfect. Were on our 2nd order….. grandchildren tasted them and we now need 4 every time we have 1. They are a special treat. Highly recommend to anyone.

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