12 Perfect Portion Square Sponges
Best SellerHighly RatedVegetarian

Shelf life 5 weeks+ (ambient), also home freeze for 6 months! Pick a delivery date at the checkout up to a year in advance!


Choose 12 of your family favourites.

Lemon Curd Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Chocolate Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Spotted Dick Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Sticky Toffee Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Honey & Ginger Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Mince Pie Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Strawberry Jam Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Treacle Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
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258 reviews for 12 Perfect Portion Square Sponges

  1. Bruce Childs

    Excellent product and very tasty.

  2. William Corps

    Fast and reliable delivery and they very tasty

  3. Wendy

    Ideal gift for my fathers 90 year old birthday. He is loving them as they bring back memories of when he was a young boy.

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