8 Perfect Portion Square Sponges
Best SellerHighly RatedVegetarian

Shelf life 5 weeks+ (ambient), also home freeze for 6 months! Pick a delivery date at the checkout up to a year in advance!

Choose 8 of your favourites.

Lemon Curd Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Chocolate Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Spotted Dick Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Sticky Toffee Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Honey & Ginger Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Mince Pie Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Strawberry Jam Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Treacle Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
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344 reviews for 8 Perfect Portion Square Sponges

  1. John Neeve

    i enjoyed them all which was above my expectation, The size is right as I am diabetic so no major sugar rush!!
    I would prefer just a steamed ginger pudding,without honey but thats just personal preference.
    Strongly recommend your product to other potential buyers

  2. Patricia Cordon

    These puds are just as Mother used to make, even my 30 year old granddaughter takes one to the office with a little pot of custard as a treat.., great value, totally delicious and the customer service is second to none, I can highly recommend to anyone…I’m still waiting to hear from my nephew what he thinks of his Gluton free puds I gifted him…

  3. Patricia Cordon

    Just had my first treacle sponge and all l can say is “ just like mother used to make” l can’t wait to try the rest, such great service delivery within 2 days!!! I had a problem getting set up online but that was sorted within minutes so helpful and easy fit someone if latter years…Thankyou to all concerned…

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