8 Perfect Portion Square Sponges
Best SellerHighly RatedVegetarian

Shelf life 5 weeks+ (ambient), also home freeze for 6 months! Pick a delivery date at the checkout up to a year in advance!

Choose 8 of your favourites.

Lemon Curd Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Chocolate Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Spotted Dick Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Sticky Toffee Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Honey & Ginger Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Mince Pie Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Strawberry Jam Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
Treacle Steamed Sponge - 95g Square
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344 reviews for 8 Perfect Portion Square Sponges

  1. Ann Masters

    I usually buy my puddings when I come down to Devon but I ordered the last lot via email excellent service and the puddings are absolutely gorgeous ( as usual)

  2. Alison

    Ordered these as an experiment: definite success, very easy to cook, delicious light sponge, not overly sweet. I don’t usually like sticky toffee but this one was very edible, and all the others absolutely faboulous. These will be a regular order.

  3. Helena

    Excellent, light and fluffy

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